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1-to-1 session options

Mum embarking on a journey with toddler in backpack

These packages are for you if you notice something not working the way you would love: in the relationship between you and your child, in the way you handle things, or in your family

These packages are for you if you are concerned about some behaviour you are noticing in your child and would like to find ways of supporting them

Exploration call

Not sure if you're ready for a package? Book an exploratory call for $150, so you can decide if you want to dive deeper

In 1-to-1 sessions, we always start with you.

We take time to understand where you are in your parenting journey, and also, where you'd like to be. We work in a safe space - a time just for you - where you are listened to without judgement, where your needs matter. 

I share my knowledge of how our brains develop as children and how this shapes how we act. Often, those 'tricky behaviours' are just kids being kids.

With this understanding, I help you build parenting tools that bring more joy and ease.

Most importantly, we re-connect to your intuitive self: to be the parent your children need, through having the support you need.


Still unsure? Book a quick no-obligation chat to see if we’re the right fit and can figure things out!


Please note

During all sessions my job is to support you in finding ways to communicate with yourself and your child, and a way to parent that is aligned with how you want to do it, and if you’re booking a parent support session I might offer some insights that will help you understand where your child is at developmentally. I will not offer a diagnosis of your child, and these sessions are not meant to replace psychological intervention or therapy.

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